Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Imagination Library

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library program brings me such joy at the mailbox once a month. I can barely contain my excitement as a rip off the plastic and read the new book to Sam for the first time. Sometimes the book can be disappointing, but today I was in love (too bad Sam only wanted to play with the junk mail). Pouch! by David Ezra Stein made me smile and laugh with the baby kangaroo as he explores the new world away from his mommy's pouch. He discovers new animals like a bird and bee, and each is frightening to the young roo who dives back to his mommy's safety. Until the baby finds an animal that looks like himself...another kangaroo! Maybe the world isn't so scary after all. The illustrations match the text beautifully, and I can foresee Sam yelling "Pouch" along with characters sometime soon. This book will pair nicely with Nick Bruel's Boing! Love both kangaroo characters!

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I love the imagination library. I have signed up several babies who were siblings of my kids but I've most been exposed to the books reading to the kids I sit for...I want to start donating to this very soon, it's something I know we can all support, rich or poor, young or old. Great post!
